3 ways to simplify cybersecurity and risk management without the anxiety
Jul 21, 2021 5:00:00 PM / by Haley Keitel posted in compliance, cybersecurity, 3rd party, Risk Assessor, Security, privacy
Introducing the SIG offering
May 26, 2021 8:30:00 AM / by Haley Keitel posted in assessments, 3rd party, enterprise, SIG
We’re excited to announce the Standardized Information Gathering (SIG) questionnaire license offering in conjunction with the JustProtect platform.
If you are new to JustProtect, welcome! We are a regulation and content-agnostic cloud-based platform that centralizes, automates, and simplifies the assessment process for companies with or without a GRC. Whether it’s third-party risk, procurement, internal audits, or compliance readiness, we can reduce time and the human cost of your assessment process.
Resolving Your 3rd Party Assessment Needs
May 4, 2021 11:15:00 AM / by Jamie Aquila posted in cybersecurity, assessments, 3rd party
Now that we have identified the issues to watch out for, we can share what you can do to triage risks and develop your 3rd Party GRC Solution.
Old vs. New Thinking in 3rd Party Assessments
Apr 27, 2021 9:00:00 AM / by Jamie Aquila posted in compliance, cybersecurity, assessments, 3rd party, grc
Let’s Reassess How You Think About 3rd Party Assessments!
Caveat: We can’t possibly provide a complete 3rd Party consulting framework in a short blog. This post is to provide you with a new framework for 3rd Party risk and new thinking in assessments.
First, let’s clearly define what a 3rd Party is. We believe they encompass all of the following: suppliers, 3rd Party agents, contractors, distribution centers, call centers, contract manufacturers or assemblers, outsourcing firms, service providers (SaaS, Cloud, and a thousand more).
Navigating the Manual Maze and Legacy GRC Systems
Apr 21, 2021 9:00:00 AM / by Haley Keitel posted in compliance, assessments, 3rd party, vendor, grc
Last week, we discussed the two strategy pitfalls companies face when they realize that they have regulations, laws, and certifications they need to be in compliance with. This post dives deeper into what companies experience when they go down this path.
Avoiding the Risk Assessment Trap
Apr 13, 2021 10:00:00 AM / by Joel Davis posted in compliance, assessments, 3rd party
Many companies start assessing innocently enough in order to respond to government and/or industry regulations, laws, and certifications with all the right intentions. They want to be in compliance, protect their business, and hopefully use these as differentiators in the market.
Special Announcement! Upcoming Blog Series-All About Assessments
Jul 13, 2020 10:58:48 AM / by Jeffery Ratliff posted in CEO, compliance, cybersecurity, assessments, 3rd party
Regulatory compliance can be a daunting task for small companies for a variety of reasons. For some, it could be that they do not have the necessary staff to commit to such a project. For others, it may be the lack of capital to pay an expensive consultant to do it for them. Another issue that plagues small companies is the lack of knowledge required to navigate the treacherous waters of regulatory compliance. While JustProtect may not be able to provide your company with more employees or extra money, something we can give you is knowledge. And Knowledge is Power.
How do I start a vendor management program?
Jan 6, 2020 11:38:06 AM / by Vikas Bhatia posted in compliance, assessments, 3rd party
You've probably heard how important vendor management is to the success of your information security program. But it's important that you learn how to start a vendor management program and perform assessments for it so that each assessment supports your business.