JustProtect Cybersecurity Blog

    Introducing the SIG offering

    May 26, 2021 8:30:00 AM / by Haley Keitel posted in assessments, 3rd party, enterprise, SIG

    We’re excited to announce the Standardized Information Gathering (SIG) questionnaire license offering in conjunction with the JustProtect platform.

    If you are new to JustProtect, welcome! We are a regulation and content-agnostic cloud-based platform that centralizes, automates, and simplifies the assessment process for companies with or without a GRC. Whether it’s third-party risk, procurement, internal audits, or compliance readiness, we can reduce time and the human cost of your assessment process.

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    What exactly is the CMMI Scale?

    Oct 15, 2020 11:40:00 AM / by Jamie Aquila posted in cybersecurity, enterprise, cmmi

    Clients of all shapes and sizes receive inbound assessments from much larger organizations with something strikingly similar to one another: they all use this 5 point scale that makes no sense to smaller companies. Initial? Managed? What do these all mean?

    Let’s help explain to you what these are.

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    What's wrong with Enterprise Vendor Assessments?

    Sep 23, 2020 2:10:12 PM / by Vikas Bhatia posted in assessments, enterprise, vendor

    It was reported that contractors in China used by Microsoft to train Cortana, their AI engine, were granted access to voice recordings with minimal cybersecurity controls.  A former contractor told the Guardian that workers were not vetted and shared account credentials were able to be used on personal laptops.

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